About Me

Hi and welcome to my website! I am Nagarjun N Palavalli, an 18 year old student at Indus International School, Bangalore India. I am studying IB and currently in the 12th grade. I created this website to keep friends and family updated about me.


My Family
We are a family of four. My father runs his own business and my mother is a professional artist. She runs her own website. Visit Indyeah! Arts.My sister is 3 years younger than me and she is in the 9th grade. My family is very business oriented and its big! My father has 6 brothers of which he is the 2nd from the last and my mother has 4 brothers and 5 sisters of which she is the youngest. So, I have lots of cousins and I really do enjoy spending time with them during vacation.

Me and my sister!

I studied at Vidya Sagar School until Prep II and then moved to Vidyashilp Academy from 1st grade. I studied ICSE there until the 10th grade and graduated as a science student. I am now studying International Baccalaureate at Indus International School at Sarjapur and I am in the 12th grade. I really miss Vidyashilp Academy since I studied there for ten years. I still do visit the school frequently and meet my teachers since my sister studies there.

Indus - Last day of 11th Grade

Now, I will start applying to universities in USA to continue my education. I wish to study Computer Science and also minor in Business Studies since it will help me in several ways.

Interests and Business
I am a major technology buff! Love all things related to technology and the internet! I am also a professional web developer. You might ask “Why use WordPress when you are a web developer yourself”? Well, I didn’t want to waste time creating a completely new website and uploading it onto my servers. It requires frequent maintenance when something new needs to be posted. WordPress will enable me to maintain a blog and subpages on a public server and it requires no maintenance, hence I chose this! I keep my self updated with the latest tech news through my several RSS subscriptions which I read everyday without fail! I am also a major Apple fan. I love all of Apple’s products, especially its operating system.

I also incorporated my own company in California, USA in January 2006. The company is called Silecon Inc. and is an IT solutions firm. I was very passionate about creating my own company. As I mentioned previously, my family is very business oriented and hence, I received support from my father to set it up. The company is in its seed stages and I hope to bring it up to a fairly good level when I move to USA to study.

Thats about it, if you want to know anything more, just contact me! Enjoy!